The CARiNA Web Suite integrates multiple programs, providing links between them to increase the speed at which you can perform tasks. This web suite comes as standard with any of our call recording solutions, to improve your workflow and efficiency.
Real time call statistics allow you to monitor call activity as it happens.
Extensive user rights and advanced encryption keep your system secure and prevent unauthorised access.
The evaluation process highlights techniques that work and those that don't, allowing you to adapt accordingly.
Playback available for multiple devices not just your computer.
CARiNA Web playback provides an intuitive method of finding calls quickly and easily, through a quick filter that can be tailored to match your most common search criteria. Playback provides natural links to every program, making tasks quicker and more efficient than ever.
Included with CARiNA is a web-based Quality Evaluator, which makes it faster and easier than ever to monitor call quality. This intuitive system allows you to highlight training needs and gain an insight into the best ways to increase customer satisfaction and call efficiency.
CARiNA's web-based dashboard displays live statistics and has the ability to quickly filter data to get to the information you need. You can drill down into interactive graphs to explore data on call volumes and activity, and you can even refine your results to individual users.
To request a demonstration or to find out more information, please complete the information below with any questions and a ComputerTel representative will contact you.
The versatile Voice and Data recording solution, with intuitive thinking at its core.